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Technical Support Specialist

45,000 RUB / 2/2


Required work experience: 1-3 years



  • support for user servers;
  • construction and operation of local networks;
  • deployment of server and client software/antivirus protection solutions;
  • data backup and recovery;
  • delivery of equipment to the service center;
  • documentation maintenance, technical support, maintenance and updating 1C:8.3;
  • installation of low-current systems (video surveillance, fire and burglar alarm systems, ACS systems, etc.).


  • Higher education
  • Competent oral and written speech.
  • Work experience of at least 1 year.
  • Excellent knowledge of Windows XP, Windows 7, MS Office package (2000, 2003, 2007, 2010).
  • Microsoft network system administration skills.
  • Experience in setting up, diagnosing and repairing computer and peripheral equipment.
  • The desire to develop, to study in the field of IT.
  • Technical English (understanding written and written).
  • Personal qualities: benevolence, conflict-free, ability to work in a team. Responsibility'accuracy' the ability to listen and express your thoughts competently.


  • Registration according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Decent wages;
  • Full social package.

Welcome to the team of professionals and like-minded people!

Thank you for your interest in our company. Your resume will be reviewed from 1 day to 14 days from the date of its receipt.
If your work experience and wishes meet the requirements and capabilities of the company, we will contact you at the specified contacts.
The absence of a response within two weeks means that, unfortunately, we do not have suitable vacancies for today. At the same time, your resume will be saved in our database and if a suitable vacancy appears in the future, we will offer it to you for consideration!

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